This Is How To Have An Awesome Day

Please don’t be deceived by the title of this piece. (I don’t have the answers, Sway.) Actually, it should be titled – This Is How I Have An Awesome Day.


This is how I have an awesome day – I wake up when my alarm says to. No, I get out of bed when my alarm says to.

Because if I get out of bed at my alarm’s first ring, I will not die.

If I don’t snooze it 5 more times, I will not die.

If I don’t catch that extra 30 minutes of very interrupted sleep, I will not die.

If I don’t laze around in bed for another extra hour, I will not die.

Instead, I’d have more than enough time to prepare adequately for my day.

More than enough time for “quiet time”.

More than enough time to eat breakfast (which I really don’t like doing but know I have to do, in order to have an awesome day).

More than enough time to pack lunch (eating out is just the worst thing ever, except it’s at a very fancy restaurant that serves amazing BBQ ribs).

More than enough time to put my own version of some make up on.

More than enough time to lay my bed and not leave my room looking like the desolation of Smaug.

More than enough time to take out the trash in the morning if I didn’t do it the night before. 

More than enough time to not break a million traffic rules while driving to work.

More than enough time to prep for that 5 minute stand up meeting I have with my team almost every morning.

More than enough time to take each day slowly and steadily, because that’s really how life should be lived.

This is how I have an awesome day.

4 thoughts on “This Is How To Have An Awesome Day

  1. Oh my God. lol @ The desolation of Smaug. So that explains the “I’ve seen this somewhere before” feeling i get whenever i return home and the whole place is a mess. Oh well, boys will be boys and beside that’s what weekends are for, right?

    • LOL! My weekends… Lol… My weekends… Lol… Let’s just leave this gist for another write up.
      Basically, I’d procrastinate on every thing possible, say I’ll do them over the weekend. The weekend comes. And goes. And I’d do nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch.

    • I must confess that i actually get some pleasure out of snoozing the little bugger(s). Snoozing my alarm is my opportunity to boss someone(or in this case something) around in the morning before l get out of bed. What does that say about me?

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